
News 2007

International Championship Show in Jyväskylä, 18.11.

Finngreen Royal Ward (Ch Jazzman's Da Capo x Finngreen Giulia) was 3rd in the Intermediate class. Lovehayne Wallace was 4th in the Openclass. Judge Mr Bruno Facq, France. 

Bimbik's Bela (Ch Fairsky Jack The Ripper x Charmarq's Lady Rose) won the Juniorclass and was BOS junior. Judge Mrs Eeva Rautala. 

Bimbil's Bela "Peppi" stayed with her breeder Katrin in Estonia for few weeks,
below her results:

Photo: Katrin Juurak

International Championship Show in Estonia, 4.11.

Bimbik's Bela (Ch Fairsky Jack The Ripper x Charmarq's Lady Rose) was 2nd in the Juniorclass and 4th best bitch. Judge Shamil Abrakimqv. 

Championship Show in Estonia, 3.11.

Bimbik's Bela (Ch Fairsky Jack The Ripper x Charmarq's Lady Rose) was 2nd in the Juniorclass and won the Junior CC. Judge Mrs Barabara Müller. 

Allbreed  Championship Show in Estonia, 20.10.

Bimbik's Bela (Ch Fairsky Jack The Ripper x Charmarq's Lady Rose) won the Juniorclass and won the Junior CC, BOS Junior and finally BOS. Judge Elzbieta Chawalibog, Poland. 

Welcome to Finland Dream Max Markoolio.
Stort tack till kennel Dream Max!

GRC Character test in Kangasala, 30.9.

Finngreen Giulia (Ch Pauclare Pot of Gold x Ch Karvin Rio ramanda) passed the test (430 points). Judges Helena Suni and Carina Päivärinta.

Finnish Retriever Association Championship Show in Hyvinkää, 21.10.

Finngreen Unique Ghost (Dream Max Paradise Apple x Finngreen Glowing Ghost) won the babyclass and was 2nd best bitch puppy. Judges Mrs Heather Morss and Lynne Hennessy, England.

Obedience test, 22.9.

Finngreen Sound O'Cuccess (Lovehayne Wallace x Finngreen Lady Moon) got 3 prize in beginners class.

Obedience test, 15.9.

Finngreen Rasberry (Ch Jazzman's Da Capo x Finngreen Giulia) got 1 prize in beginners class.

Field Trial test for Spaniels in Espoo, 9.9.

My Springer Spaniel Bimbik's Bela (Ch Fairsky Jack The Ripper x Charmarq's Lady Rose) passed the field trial test. Judges Meerit Kuparinen and Anu Kokkarinen.

Championship Show in Tampere, 8.9.

Finngreen Royal Ward was 2nd in the Intermediate class. His sister Finngreen Royal Stories won the Intermediate class. Finngreen Pearly Moon was 4th in the Open class. Finngreen Make Me Wish was 4th in the Working class. My breeders group was placed 2nd. Judge Mr Paavo Mattila.

Bimbik's Bela was 2nd in the Junior class. "Peppi" was handled by Merja Koskela. Judge Blaz Kavcic, Slovenia.


Helsinki Allbreed Puppy Show, 5.8.

Finngreen Twin Peaks (Ch Gunhills Blue Skies x Finngreen Karamell Kiss) won the babyclass and was BOS-puppy. Her sister Finngreen Tirlittan was placed 4th in the same class. Judge Mr Rune Fagerström. 

Finngreen Twin Peaks, 5 months


Great News from the Finnish Kennelclub..

Finngreen Royal Stories Hips A/A, Elbows 0/0
Finngreen Royal Ward  Hips B/B, Elbows 0/0
Finngreen Rowanberry Hips B/B, Elbows 0/0

Bimbik's Bela Hips A/A

Qualifying test in Vehmaa, 17.7.

Finngreen Royal Stories "Selle" (Ch Jazzman's Da Capo x Finngreen Giulia) qualified in the field as well as my sister's dog Finngreen Make Me Wish "Hope" (Ch Karvin Alive'N Kicking x Ch Karvin Rio Ramanda) Well done Jenni and Hope, I'm so proud of You! Judge Mr Ossi Kähärä.

My sister Jenni and Finngreen Make Me Wish

Obedience test, 7.7.

Finngreen Rasberry (Ch Jazzman's Da Capo x Finngreen Giulia) got 1 prize (187,67points)  in beginners class! Well done Liisa & Wanda. 


International Championship Show in Karjaa, 1.7.

Finngreen Royal Ward (Ch Jazzman's Da Capo x Finngreen Giulia) won the Junior class. Finngreen Piece of Cake (Lovehayne Wallace x Finngreen Honey Bee) won the Open class, was 4th best bitch and got the reserve CC.  Judge Mrs Jaana Hartus. 

International Championship Show in Hämeenlinna, 17.6.

Finngreen Make Me Wish (Ch Karvin Alive N'Kicking x Ch Karvin Rio Ramanda) was 4th best bitch and won the reserve CC. Judge Mrs Saija Juutilainen. 

Qualifying test, 15.6.

Finngreen Lady Moon (Ch Karvin Latest Hit x Ch Karvin Rio Ramanda) qualified in the field! Well done Saara & Liinu.

Championship Show in Kangasniemi, 9.6.

Finngreen Mistral Wind (Ch Karvin Alive N'Kicking x Ch Karvin Rio Ramanda) was 2nd best bitch and won the CC. Judge Mrs Lisette Delwaux-Crauwels, Belgium 

Championship Show in Tuuri, 3.6.

Finngreen Royal Ward (Ch Jazzman's Da Capo x Finngreen Giulia) won the junior class. Judge Mrs Marjo Jaakkola. 

International  Championship Show in Helsinki, 20.5.

Finngreen Royal Ward "Leevi" (Ch Jazzman's Da Capo x Finngreen Giulia) won the junior class and was 4th best dog. "Leevi" was also BOB junior and finally BIS-4 junior! Lovehayne Wallace (Ch Lindjan Xylonite x Lovehayne Tallulah) won the Openclass, was 2nd best dog and got his 3rd CC and reserve CACIB

Finngreen Piece of Cake (Lovehayne Wallace x Finngreen Honey Bee) won the Openclass, was 3rd best bitch and recieved reserve CC. Finngreen breeders group was BOB. Judge Ms Eeva Rautala.

Finngreen Royal Ward (12months)

Qualifying test, 13.5.

Finngreen Sound O'Success (Lovehayne Wallace x Finngreen Lady Moon) qualified in the field, only 10months old! My warmest congratulations.


International  Championship Show in Lahti, 28.4.

Finngreen Royal Ward (Ch Jazzman's Da Capo x Finngreen Giulia) won the junior class and his sister Finngreen Royal Stories won the bitches juniorclass. Judge Kirsi Nieminen. 

All breed Championship Show in Lappeenranta, 9.4.

Finngreen Royal Ward (Ch Jazzman's Da Capo x Finngreen Giulia) won the junior class and was placed 2nd best dog with reserve CC! Judge Hassi Assenmacher from Germany. 

International Championship Show in Tampere, 25.3.

Finngreen Royal Ward "Leevi" (Ch Jazzman's Da Capo x Finngreen Giulia) won the Junior class and Finngreen Royal Rhapsody was 3rd with EXC. "Leevi" was placed 4th best dog and won the reserve CC. Their litter sister Finngreen Royal Stories was 2nd in the juniorclass. Finngreen Lady Moon was 3rd in the Open class with EXC.  Finngreen breeders group was BOB! Judge Mr Eivind Mjaerum from Norway.
My springer spaniel Bimbik's Bela "Peppi" (Ch Fairsky Jack The Ripper x Charmarq's Lady Rose) was shown for the first time, she won BOB puppy! Thank You Taina for handling her so well! Judge Mr Patrik Ragnarson, Sweden.

Finngreen Royal Ward (10 months)

Finngreen Royal Stories, F. Royal Ward, F. Lady Moon and F. Royal Rhapsody

Bimbik's Bela (8 1/2 months)

Championship Show in Lahti, 11.2.

Finngreen Royal Ward (Ch Jazzman's Da Capo x Finngreen Giulia) won the puppyclass and was BOB puppy! Judge Mr Henric Fryckstrand, Sweden.

(almost 9 months)

International Championship Show in Turku, 27.1.

Finngreen Rowanberry (Ch Jazzman's Da Capo x Finngreen Giulia) won the puppyclass and was BOB puppy! Judge Mr Göran Bodegård, Sweden.

Finngreen Rowanberry (8 months)

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